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Most Popular Attractions- Romania tourist attractions

Romania tourist attractions

Romania tourist attractions: The world of Romanian peasant was always rich in traditions, with a strong respect for nature and history. In every region, traditions have a profound meaning in interpersonal relationships, especially for the most important moments in a man’s life: birth, marriage, and death. We can say, without making a mistake, that rural country is the heart and soul of Romania.

The beauty of the Romanian monasteries is impossible to quantify, each place of worship being load with history and spirituality. Most of the monasteries were built by the Moldavian rulers for the salvation of the soul and as a sign of gratitude for the battles won.

Romania tourist attractions: Thanks to the rich relief that Romania has, here you can find some of the most beautiful roads, which you can explore in the comfort of the car. Two spectacular Romanian roads, now famous also abroad, are Transfagarasan and TransAlpina, two routes crossing the Meridian Mountains.