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Romania travel: Main Regions

Romania travel: Discover main regions and beautiful attractions in Romania
If you have ever heard or read about…
The westernmost region of Romania, Banat and Crisana,…
When you visit Bucovina and Moldova maybe the…
Maramures remains a place of fairy tales, where…
Dobrogea is a small region in South-Eastern Romania,…
Muntenia: also known in English as Greater Wallachia…

Romania travel

Romania travel: If you have ever heard or read about Romania in a foreign publication, then there is a great chance you have already heard of Transylvania, Bukovina or Maramures. Discover why it is worth visiting these wonderful places.

Maramures remains a place of fairy tales, where the sun shines differently and rivers flows angrily.

Dobrogea is a small region in South-Eastern Romania, home to the two main attractions: Black Sea coast with its famous resorts and the Danube Delta. Another attractions are the Macin Mountains and picturesque roads.

When you visit Bucovina and Moldova maybe the first feeling you will have is that Romania is such a beautiful country and could live very well only from tourism. When you plan a visit here, in the northern Moldova, of course, you have to see the famous painted monasteries. But these are not the only point of interest in an area where nature and landscapes will delight you more than anything else.

The westernmost region of Romania, Banat and Crisana, will surprise you also by the well proportioned mix of multiculturalism, history, traditions and culture.